
Yumesueno's commission information, pricing, and terms of service.

Commissions: OPENPlease give me around 7-14 days, or one-two weeks, to finish a commission, and I will message you if I need extra time, up to 1 extra month if I am close to exams.Click on each button for more information!

Pricing & Adjustment Rules

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Sketch/Lineart only (clean lineart +$3) Flat color or airbrushed colors with free light shading if asked (clean lineart +$3) Half rendered/more detailed shading and color (clean lineart +$3)Full render
Bust up$12$27$42$55
Half body waist up$15$30$45$60
Knee up$17$32$47$62
Full body$25$40$55$70

All prices are in USD.*If the drawing is between knee and foot, for example, you will be charged the full body rate.Up to 4 characters, percentage caculated on total price minus background.
First additional character: +55%
Second additional character +45%
Third additional character +35%
(Additional characters allowed for all styles, except for sketch, only full body sketch can get additional character)Simple background included if asked for (such as simple patterns, gradients, solid colors)
Complex background (such as intricate landscapes, interior of a house) + $30-50
Additional details I will discuss this with you beforehand and let you know how if there will be any additional costs, and these costs can range up to $60. If I fail to inform you of the additional costs before sending an invoice, then you will not pay anything extra.

Adjustments refer to changes made to the drawing after you approve the draft/rough sketch stage. Before that, we can work together on things like poses because they require little effort to change if they are rough.
However, if you are demanding way too many changes (over 15) at the rough sketch, I reserve the right to refuse the commission and give you a full refund.
Minor adjustments (Hand pose, facial expression etc) any number in draft phase,10 during sketch/lineart phase, when render is done only 5 allowed and very minor (eyebrows, nail polish color.)Major adjustments (up to entire pose) in draft phase 7 allowed, (up to arm/leg position etc) 5 allowed in sketch/lineart phase, none allowed when done with drawing.If there is a noticeable mistake on my part, I will fix it free of charge.If I am incapable of completing the commission within the TAT and we do not reach an agreement, I will give you a full refund.

ExamplesHD + more examples at the link below

Payment Plans:

Payment plans:Partial Payment: 50% initial payment.
50% after the low quality, clearly watermarked version is sent, then I will email you the high quality version after payment has been received.
Please expect at least two updates a week once I accept and begin working on your commission.Full payment:
You pay upfront, and I send you process as soon as it is done (in stages such as draft, lineart, color, render, adjustments, etc). You immediately get the HQ file emailed to you.
Please send the initial payment or full payment (depending on payment plan) only after I have accepted your commission.I will send you the PayPal invoice link in the email that accepts your commission.

I will not be drawing:

  • Real humans, real people relationships (even if cartoon-ified/anime-fied)

  • Explicit NSFW

  • Very detailed excessive gore

  • Very detailed Mecha & vehicles

  • Religious symbolism or religion related stuff (if unsure, feel free to ask)

  • Art meant to target and harass any group of people

Please send me a question about anything not listed that I do not have examples of.

Terms and Conditions

I have the right to deny any commission I feel unconfident in my ability to complete or do not wish to take.These terms are only for personal and non-commercial usage.By accepting these terms, you accept that I may post a clearly watermarked version of the commission to my social media pages.You are allowed to repost the final version to your own page, given that you post a link to one of my social media pages (Instagram/Twitter) or you write my username in the description as artist of the picture (@Yumesueno Instagram / @Yume__sueno Twitter)If you commission me and fail to abide by my terms and conditions I will add you to a blacklist and all your rights as commissioner will be revoked to the piece commissioned.

Contact Information + Commission Request Format

Please send me a message on either of the following

with your commission request and references.

Your email address (if not sent by email):
Commision type (Sketch/lineart bust up, full render full body, etc).
References, color palette, rough pose ideas.
Additional questions, details, and information.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.